Can You Eat Sushi While Breastfeeding? What You Need to Know

If you’re a sushi enthusiast and have recently given birth, you may be wondering if it’s safe to indulge in your favorite Japanese delicacy while breastfeeding. The good news is that you can, in fact, enjoy sushi during this special time, but you’ll need to be mindful of certain precautions to ensure the safety of both you and your little one.

Breastfeeding can be a wonderful experience, but it also comes with a unique set of dietary considerations. As a new mom, you’re likely focused on providing the best possible nutrition for your baby, which may have led you to steer clear of sushi during pregnancy. Now that you’re nursing, you may be eager to revisit your pre-pregnancy sushi cravings.

The key is to understand the potential risks associated with eating raw fish while breastfeeding and to make informed choices about the types of sushi you consume. By following a few simple guidelines, you can safely satisfy your sushi craving without compromising your baby’s health.

Key Takeaways

  • Eating sushi while breastfeeding is generally safe, but certain precautions should be taken.
  • Avoid high-mercury fish and opt for low-mercury varieties like salmon, shrimp, or cooked tuna.
  • Be mindful of food safety to prevent foodborne illnesses that could be passed to your baby through breast milk.
  • Moderation is key – enjoy sushi in moderation as part of a balanced, nutrient-rich diet for breastfeeding mothers.
  • Consult with your healthcare provider if you have any concerns about incorporating sushi into your breastfeeding diet.

The Safety of Eating Sushi While Breastfeeding

When it comes to sushi and breastfeeding, many new mothers may have concerns about the safety of consuming raw fish while nursing. The good news is that sushi is generally safe for breastfeeding women to enjoy, with a few important caveats.

Risks Associated with Eating Raw Fish

The primary risk associated with eating sushi while breastfeeding is the potential for foodborne illness, such as listeriosis, which can be caused by the bacteria Listeria monocytogenes. However, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) notes that the risk of these bacteria passing to a baby through breast milk is low. Breastfeeding women should still take care to avoid any fish that may contain high levels of mercury, as this can be transferred to the baby through breast milk.

Another potential concern is the risk of cross-contamination, where bacteria and pathogens can transfer from raw fish to cooked items. To mitigate this, it’s important to ensure that sushi is prepared in a clean and safe environment by reputable establishments.

Benefit Risk
Sushi can be a safe and nutritious option for breastfeeding mothers Increased risk of foodborne illness and mercury exposure
Many types of fish used in sushi offer health benefits for both mother and baby Potential for cross-contamination from raw to cooked items

By taking precautions and choosing low-mercury fish options, breastfeeding women can safely incorporate sushi into their diets while enjoying the nutritional benefits it provides.

can you eat sushi while breastfeeding?

For breastfeeding mothers, the question of whether they can safely enjoy sushi is a common concern. The good news is that in most cases, eating sushi while breastfeeding is perfectly safe, as long as certain precautions are taken.

One of the primary considerations is the type of fish used in the sushi. Breastfeeding women should avoid certain high-mercury fish, such as shark, swordfish, and bigeye tuna, as the mercury can pass through breast milk to the baby. However, many other types of fish, both raw and cooked, are considered safe and even beneficial for breastfeeding mothers.

To minimize the risk of foodborne illness, it’s important to choose sushi from reputable restaurants with a strong track record of food safety. Proper food handling at home is also crucial when preparing sushi. Vegetarian sushi options can be a safe and tasty alternative for breastfeeding women who want to enjoy the sushi experience without the potential risks associated with raw fish.

Overall, sushi and breastfeeding can go hand-in-hand, as long as mothers exercise caution and make informed choices about the types of fish they consume. By following these guidelines, breastfeeding women can safely indulge in their sushi cravings while nourishing their little ones.

“Sushi can be a nutritious part of a breastfeeding diet, as long as mothers select low-mercury fish and follow proper food safety guidelines.”

sushi and breastfeeding

In conclusion, the answer to the question “Can you eat sushi while breastfeeding?” is a resounding yes, with a few essential caveats. By making informed choices and prioritizing food safety, breastfeeding mothers can savor the delicious flavors of sushi while ensuring the health and well-being of their babies.


In summary, while sushi should be avoided during pregnancy due to concerns over foodborne illnesses and mercury exposure, it can generally be safely consumed in moderation while breastfeeding. Breastfeeding women should be mindful of the types of fish used in sushi, avoiding high-mercury varieties, and choose sushi from reputable establishments with good food safety practices.

Vegetarian sushi options can also provide a safe alternative for breastfeeding mothers looking to satisfy their cravings. By following these guidelines, breastfeeding mothers can enjoy the delicious flavors of sushi while ensuring the health and safety of their nursing babies.

Ultimately, the decision to consume sushi while breastfeeding should be made in consultation with a healthcare provider, taking into account individual circumstances and the specific needs of both the mother and the baby. With the right precautions, breastfeeding mothers can savor the joys of sushi without compromising the well-being of their little ones.


Is it safe to eat sushi while breastfeeding?

Sushi is generally safe for breastfeeding mothers to consume, as long as they choose high-quality, fresh fish from reputable sources and avoid certain types of fish high in mercury.

What types of fish should be avoided while breastfeeding?

Breastfeeding women should avoid fish that are high in mercury, such as shark, swordfish, and bigeye tuna, as mercury can pass through breast milk and potentially harm the developing baby’s brain and nervous system.

What are the risks of eating raw fish while breastfeeding?

The main risk of eating raw sushi while breastfeeding is the increased possibility of getting a foodborne illness, such as listeriosis. However, listeriosis is less of a concern for breastfeeding women as the bacteria do not pass through breast milk to the baby.

How can breastfeeding mothers safely enjoy sushi?

Breastfeeding women can safely enjoy sushi by choosing reputable restaurants with good food safety practices, avoiding high-mercury fish, and being mindful of proper food handling at home. Vegetarian sushi options can also provide a safe and tasty alternative.

Does eating sushi affect breast milk supply?

Consuming sushi in moderation while breastfeeding is generally not believed to have a significant impact on a woman’s breast milk supply.

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