Does Peppermint Decrease Milk Supply? Debunking Myths and Facts

does peppermint decrease milk supply?

As a new or expecting mom, you may have heard conflicting information about the impact of peppermint on breastfeeding and milk supply. The truth is, the relationship between peppermint and …

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Can You Eat Sushi While Breastfeeding? What You Need to Know

can you eat sushi while breastfeeding?

If you’re a sushi enthusiast and have recently given birth, you may be wondering if it’s safe to indulge in your favorite Japanese delicacy while breastfeeding. The good news is …

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How Long Are Breast Pumps Good For? When to Replace or Upgrade

how long are breast pumps good for?

Pumping is an integral part of many breastfeeding journeys, and it’s crucial to maintain your breast pump to ensure optimal performance. However, many people don’t realize that breast pump parts …

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